Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Thinkst Canary | Know. When it Matters!

Most companies discover they’ve been breached way too late. Thinkst Canary fixes this: just 3 minutes of setup; no ongoing overhead; nearly 0 false positives, and you can detect attackers long before they dig in. Check out why our Hardware, VM and Cloud-based Canaries are deployed and loved on all 7 continents.

This isn’t just about technology, it’s about reclaiming control. It’s about knowing when it truly matters and having unwavering support guarding your digital domain.

Meet your silent sentinels

Joushen Canaries, powered by Thinkst Canary technology. These covert defenders seamlessly integrate into your network, posing as irresistible bait for attackers. They watch, they wait, and when a threat takes the bait, they sound a single, clear alarm that cuts through the

Joushen and Thinkst Canary. Know. React. Secure.

Joushen is Thinkst Canary partner and we can help you provide more insight around adversarial behaviour through high fidelity alerts. Contact us today for more information!

Are you ready to take your security to the next level?

Our cybersecurity experts are available to provide you with a freeconsultation. Send a message, we will respond as soon as possible.